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Design the logo of Patna Metro and Get a reward of up to 50 thousand Patna Metro Rail Corporation has launched a logo design competition to produce an appealing Patna Metro logo. The first, second, and third place winners will each receive 50 thousand, 25 thousand, and 11 thousand rupees, respectively. An appeal has been launched to the people of the state to earn enticing rewards by creating the best logo. The Corporation has invited the participants to create a Patna Metro logo that not only represents Patna but also depicts the revolutionary changes that are coming in the capital’s transportation in the near future. Those with the best logos will receive tempting rewards. This tournament is open to everyone until July 23. Participants must submit their logo design entries in JPG or PDF format to Patna Metro Rail Corporation’s e-mail address The winner will be chosen based on elements of innovation, originality, technical proficiency, simplicity, artistic merit, and visual effects. In addition, it is worth mentioning how well that logo reflects the vision of Patna Metro Rail Corporation. Patna Metro Rail Corporation Limited’s decision to select the winner shall be final. The Patna Metro Logo Design Contest is open to all citizens. It is open to participants of all ages. The logo must not contain any provocative, objectionable, or improper information. Multiple submissions by the same individual will not be considered. The participant must be the same person who designed the logo.

Posted on: 2021-07-10T12:30:30
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