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Our Story

We are Pioneer, Leader and Trendsetter of Animation, Visual Effects, Web, Graphics, Gaming and Broadcast related training in Central India

Why Arena Animation Geeta Bhawan

Our strength is Mentors, Placement Track Record, Industry Connect & consistent activities for overall development of students via Incubation, Internships etc

Our Faculty

Our Faculty Members are highly experienced and connected with industry on realtime basis. We have an unmatchable track record and stive for distinction in our joureny of pixillation

Faculty profile
Sanjay Khimesara
Founder, Head of Centre
Faculty profile
Aekta Khimesara
Founder, CEO & Head of Admin, Finance
Faculty profile
Rajkumar Patidar
HOD Academics
Faculty profile
Sanjay Pawar
HOD Graphic Design
Posted on: 2021-06-01T12:49:51
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